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Team Challenge

Friday saw the first team challenge of the school year take place - a particularly special challenge that linked to our new Golden Values.

Our team challenges are a highlight of the term for many children, where the whole school 'mixes up' into team groups. This allows children to work together across Years 3 to 6, and allows true collaboration and team work. It is delightful to see children of all ages working together and making new friends.

This half term, the children were exploring the meaning of our new values. They created posters to share what the values mean and how they can be demonstrated across the school. Look out for these at our learning conferences, where you will be able to collect a Golden Values 'scavenger hunt' sheet and try to win a prize by looking for the clues within the posters!



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                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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