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Elections 2024

Over the coming weeks, we will be learning about the elections that are taking place in July. We started by considering what democracy really means, and how our country is run. This week, the children have explored the different manifestos that have been presented by the different parties, focusing on what is really important to them. They have debated and discussed the different promises that relate to children and young people, the environment and healthcare. Perhaps there have even been some healthy discussions at home about politics this week!

The school council have also had the opportunity to meet with and interview local candidates for the Liberal Democrat and Confelicity parties. Children across the school generated questions that they would like to ask and will be shown videos of the interviews. Both candidates were impressed with the quality of the questions and the polite manner of the children in the council. Next week, we will also be joined by the local Labour candidate.

The next part of our project will teach the children about the history of the vote and just how important the right to vote is. We will share fictional manifestos with the children and every child will be given the opportunity to vote for their chosen party (Purple, Orange and White). On 4th July, they will take part in a mock election and we will see who wins! The children will take part in a secret vote with ballot papers and voting booths, in the style of a real election. 



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                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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