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Crazy Hair Day

Today, pupils at West Leigh Junior School raised money for Cancer Research UK through ‘hair-larious’ means. In exchange for a voluntary donation to charity, pupils came to school wearing a wide range of wild, wacky and wonderful hair styles. From hair-made cupcakes to colourful extensions and shimmering flowers, the children‘s creativity knew no bounds and we were so impressed by their superb efforts. The pupils were not alone in this though; much to everyone’s entertainment, the staff also got involved with imaginative efforts all around. A special mention must be made of Mr Lear for his show stopping ‘crazy’ hairstyle.

Running alongside the glee and excitement that the day provided, there was also a more serious note. Earlier in the term, with an overwhelming majority, the school council voted to fundraise for Cancer Research UK. Discussions in classes and in school council meetings revealed that this is a disease which has touched the lives of many of our pupils, staff and their families. It therefore felt fitting for us to fundraise for this noble and worthy charity in our final term of the academic year. We are thrilled to have raised an incredible £1037.81 so far, with more donations still to come.

Finally, we would like to sincerely thank the children, parents, carers and staff for getting involved in today’s event and for making such a wonderful effort all round. The hilarity, joy and general fun of today will hopefully live on in all our memories for many years to come.



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                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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