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Portico Art & Design Technology Festival

The subject leaders for Art and Design and Technology across Portico Academy have united this term to create a travelling exhibition – The Portico Art and Design Festival. This project has been created to showcase the incredible talent and artistic creativity of the children across all of the year groups within our academy schools and it has been enthusiastically welcomed by all of the children. Beginning at West Leigh Junior School, the exhibition impressed many children and parents before moving onto Porters Grange, followed by Friars and finally, Hamstel Infants and Juniors. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to see the hard work, effort and incredible creativity of the children.

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Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB ~ 01702 478593 ~

                  Part of the Portico Academy Trust - opening doors, unlocking potential -
                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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