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Carol singing at Leigh Station

Choirs from local schools are joining with Southend in Sight this Christmas to help raise funds for the local charity. The West Leigh Junior School choir were in very fine voice on Monday 4 December when they joined staff and volunteers from local sight loss charity Southend in Sight to sing carols for commuters.

More than 30 children from West Leigh Junior School together with music teacher Miss Fisher and Headteacher Mr Lear, paid a visit to Leigh-on-Sea station on Monday evening to sing a selection of favourite carols and raise money for Southend in Sight. Commuters returning home were treated to the sight of excited little faces singing in the ticket hall. Southend in Sight volunteers were on hand with collecting buckets and the assembled parents and commuters were very generous, donating to Southend in Sight so it can continue to help those living with sight loss across Southend.

Catherine Hodgson, Community Fundraiser for Southend in Sight said ‘The collection raised an amazing £726.67, the largest amount ever raised at this annual event. The children should all be very proud of themselves. We know that an event like this is above and beyond the school’s normal activities and at this very busy time of year, it is so very much appreciated.’

We have been taking apart in this event for the last three years and over this time we have raised a staggering £1900, and with gift aid - £2375. Thank you so much for all the continued support.

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                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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