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Year 3 Belchamps visit

It is hard to believe that it was only last week that we took the majority of Year 3 to Belchamps Activity Centre in Hockley. Containing their excitement in the morning was a challenge but designing their own games which they could play on the field kept them busy and entertained. Once the coaches were loaded with what could only be described as enough luggage for a fortnight’s holiday in some cases, we were off!! The children were thrilled to meet the staff and see their dormitories for the first time. After a tasty lunch they proceeded to their afternoon activities which included crate stacking, sling shot and a very muddy assault course. After some free time it was dinner time and the children hungrily tucked into burger and chips. Sorting out their beds for the night was next and after passing ‘dorm inspection’ it was off to the campfire. Songs such as ‘Bananas of the World Unite’ and ‘Boogaloo ‘ were learnt and sung with gusto and then it was hot chocolate and marshmallows before settling down to try and sleep which involved more trips of the toilet than have every been made in the entire history of the world! However the children, if not the staff, generally slept soundly and after a hearty breakfast of sausage and beans were raring to start new and exciting activities. All too soon it was lunchtime and the coaches arrived to take us back to West Leigh. Quieter coaches returned us home safe and sound, happy, tired and ready for a long night’s sleep. It was a trip to remember and as always the children impressed us and the staff of Belchamps with their politeness, enthusiasm and good behaviour.

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