Team Challenge day
On the last day of term, children all over the school worked in their teams on the latest team challenge. The challenge set this term was to imagine redesigning our school building - with an unlimited budget! The children began making a wishlist and planned their designs carefully. They were not allowed to extend the school grounds, as this would not be possible - but they were very creative and many chose to extend their school building upwards by two or three floors! The children had to ensure that all subjects would be able to be taught and so we had many wonderful computer suites, music rooms and science labs. It was extremely difficult to choose a winner, but the final winner was chosen not only for their creativity, but also their dedication - members of the winning group even came back at lunchtime to make sure that their design was finished. The winning team was Mrs Ali's group, who are in Drake. Well done to Drake, who win this term's team challenge cup!