Year 6 bake off
As part of the Summer Term topic: ‘What Makes Britain Great’, Year 6 once again carried out their very own Great British Bake-off. In the ‘group stages’, each class adopted a UK country and spent half a day in the kitchen producing variations of traditional fare. The lucky teachers had to judge the groups in their class who made a spectacular effort to become overall winners. After tasting scones,welsh cakes, oat biscuits and shortbread, and taking into account the presentation and texture of the products, a winning group was chosen from each class to go through to the finals. Their task would be to create a cake, which represented Britain in some way.
The final was a very close-run competition. Each of the teams worked very hard to re-create their
concepts and the standards were very high. At the end of the day, the whole of Year 6 gathered
excitedly in the hall to watch Mrs London judge the cakes. After much deliberation, the representatives of 6W were announced as overall winners. However, nobody lost on the day as the children all decided to share the cakes with the rest of their class!
Well done to the winning team and to all the finalists who showed flair, creativity, skill and

6L: This cake was a lot of fun and instantly made us think of the sea-side! The boys had spent a lot of time thinking through their design and managed to totally pull it off. Everybody’s mouths were watering when they saw this vision of chocolate surrounded by marsh mallows and crowned with an upside-down cornet – yum!

6W created a special ‘Wimbledon-themed’ cake. This consisted of a Victoria sponge filled with butter cream. The whole cake was very cleverly presented in the shape of a tennis ball, covered with green icing and served on a tennis racquet! Mrs London was really happy with the texture and flavour, but was particularly impressed by the level of skill and attention to detail shown by the boys.

6D based their design on Queen Elizabeth II’s 90 the birthday. This was a Victoria sponge, layered and covered very delicately in a smooth, traditional style. The top of the cake was skilfully decorated with a royal crown and a large ‘90’ using fondant icing.

6K created an iconic London Bus, complete with windows and wheels, which certainly fulfilled the brief! They used a Victoria sponge as a tribute to Queen Victoria, filled several layers with red jam and butter cream filling and numbered the bus 90 to commemorate our Queen’s special birthday this year.