Careers Day

All the pupils at West Leigh enjoyed an action packed careers day on Friday. Children had requested that we hold a careers day so that they could find out about a range of jobs. There were a huge variety of activities on offer throughout the day – each class had a careers lesson, where they learned about the different jobs that are available – including ‘behind the scenes’ jobs that they may not have considered before! Children also got the chance to evaluate their skills and then match these with potential jobs, considering careers that they might be interested in when they are older and the pathways that they might need to follow in order to get there.

Each class also had at least two different speakers from a huge range of jobs. The majority of our speakers were from our talented parent body, but we also had some volunteers from our local community. The children loved all of the presentations and learned about a wide range of careers. The presentations were excellent and all of the teachers and children were impressed with the effort that each and every speaker had gone to. Activities included science experiments, design challenges and garden landscaping!
Finally, our Year 5 pupils were treated to a workshop by Ford Engineering. They listened to an extremely interesting talk, which finished with a visit to a real Ford car, and took part in an exciting ‘catapult’ experiment.
We wish to thank all of the parents for their support with this brilliant day – the children were so excited and the staff really enjoyed it too. We hope to make this an annual event following Friday’s success.