Essex Swimming Finals

Last week our Year 3/4 and 5/6 swim squads took part in the Essex Swimming Finals at Basildon Sporting Village. Having secured their place when they won the Southend Borough Swimming Gala. The competition was extremely tough with schools from all over Essex competing across 44 different events. We took away 38 medals from the day! Many of the races were extremely close and it was often hard to see who had won. We won many bronze, silver and gold medals as well as coming 1st overall in the Year 5/6 events and 4th in the Year 3/4 events, missing out on 3rd place by just 1 point!
The children behaved beautifully throughout the gal and showed great sportsmanship to each other and others in the competition.
It just goes to show that the early morning training they have all attended over the last few months had paid off. We are all very proud of every single child for their hard work and commitment.