Emerging Girls' Football Tournament
On Friday 11th October, eight of our girls from the school football team travelled to the Len Forge Centre to compete in the Southend...

On Wednesday 25th September, 120 Year 5 children arrived at school with a mass of suitcases and were full of excitement ready for their 3...
Yr 5 explore local areas
On Wednesday 25th Sept, once the Danbury children had gone, we walked to Belfairs Woods. Mrs Atkin provided a range of challenges for the...

Summer Serenade
Over 150 children from Years 3 to 6 presented a fantastic ‘Summer Serenade’ concert at St Margaret’s Church. In front of a full house of...

Tennis Festival
To coincide with the Wimbledon Championships, West Leigh Junior School held a ‘Mini Tennis Festival’ at Westcliff Lawn Tennis Club on...

Portico Art & Design Technology Festival
The subject leaders for Art and Design and Technology across Portico Academy have united this term to create a travelling exhibition –...

Essex Plate Competition
Following on from the success of the year 5 and 6 tennis team, earlier this year, four pupils from year 5 took part in the ‘Essex Tennis...

Southend Borough Swimming Gala
On Wednesday 5th June, West Leigh travelled to Garon Leisure Centre to compete in the Southend Borough Swimming Gala. The competition was...

SPSFA Champions of Champions Finals
On Friday 17th May, the boys’ and girls’ football teams played their final game of the season at Roots Hall in the SPSFA Champion of...

Girls' football vs. Bournes Green Junior School
On Wednesday 13th February, the girls’ football team travelled to Bournes Green Junior School to play their first league game of the...