Team Challenge day
On the last day of term, children all over the school worked in their teams on the latest team challenge. The challenge set this term was...

Line Rocket Car competition
On Wednesday 15th March, Mr Loveridge was accompanied by his D&T Club in the Bloodhound Race for the Line Rocket Car competition. The 12...

Rock Steady Assembly
In assembly on Monday 20th March, we were visited by Rachel from Rock Steady. Rachel demonstrated the different types of instruments that...

Tag Rugby Finals
On Thursday 16th March, West Leigh attended the Essex Tag Rugby Finals having qualified as one of the best two school in Southend. The...

Year 6 Dog's Trust
On Monday 13th March, Year 6 were visited by Maria from The Dog’s Trust. She delivered a presentation and workshop to each class about...
Netball festival
On Wednesday 8th March, two Year 5 and 6 netball teams attended a netball festival at Alleyn Court School. The girls thoroughly enjoyed...

Southend Makes Music
This week West Leigh Junior School children performed to full house at the popular 'Southend Makes Music' concert series at the Palace...
Temple Sutton football match
On Friday 10th February Mr Hatton and Mr Nash travelled to Temple Sutton Primary School with the boys and girls football team to play...
Hamstel football match
On Tuesday 7th February, Mr Hatton and Mr Nash travelled to Hamstel Junior School with the boys' football team to play their next league...
National Primary Maths Challenge Final
On Wednesday 1st February, several Year 6 pupils, having qualified from the November round, had the opportunity to take part in the...