Healthy Lunchbox session
This afternoon, Martin Buckley, local chef, came in to run a healthy lunchbox session for parents. Martin talked about the fat content...
Year 6 Dogs Trust visit
Year 6 were visited by Maria from The Dog’s Trust for a presentation about evolution and adaptation, which linked with their science work...
RNLI Assembly
In assembly today we were visited by Linda and Alex from the Royal National Lifeguard Institution. They spoke to us about the work of the...

Voice in a Million
Last night West Leigh Junior School made their debut appearance at the SSE Wembley Arena. As part of the ‘Voice in a Million’ choir,...
Year 5/6 netball
On Wednesday 2nd March the girl’s netball team journeyed to Garon Park in Southend to play in a tournament. They drew their first game...
Half term sports round up
This half term we took part in our first ever handball competition and our team played extremely well. They had a very exciting and...
Team challenge day
For one day only on Friday, the staff and pupils abandoned their usual English and maths lessons to take part in the Team Challenge...
Inter-school quiz
West Leigh Junior School took part in the National Inter-school quiz in January. All the children who showed an interest in taking part...

West Leigh Swim School website and Facebook page
We have been busy building and improving our West Leigh Swim school website which is now up and running and can be viewed at...
Sports round up
With the wetter weather setting in, a few of our sporting events have had to be cancelled, but the ones we have taken part in have been a...