Boys' Choir at St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden
On Saturday 19th November, members of the Boys' Choir had the opportunity to perform at the delightful "Actors' Church" at Covent Garden....

Children In Need
#year3 #Year4 #Year5 #wholeschool #Year6
National Science Inter-School Quiz
On Friday, West Leigh Junior School took part in the National Science Inter-School Quiz Championship at Westlands Community Primary...

Team Challenge morning
On Friday 11th November, the whole school once again split into their teams to work on a set challenge. This term, the challenge was to...

Enhanced Healthy Schools Ceremony
On Friday, Mrs Atkin, Mrs Rodger and 4 year 6 girls attended the Enhanced Healthy Schools Ceremony at the Tickfield Centre. The girls did...
Harvest festival
This year we chose to support the local food bank at West Leigh Baptist Church with our harvest collection. The organisers of the...

Year 5 and 6 Football competition
The Year 5 and 6 football team competed in the Southend Primary School Sports Association Boys’ Football Competition on Wednesday 2nd...
Tag Rugby festival
On Thursday 3rd November, a group of year 5 and year 6 pupils attended a tag rugby festival. The purpose of the event was to have the...

Firework Safety Assembly
On Monday 17th October, the school was visited by Stuart Huxter from the Essex Fire and Rescue Service. Stuart came to speak to the...

Year 6 Old Leigh trip
Year 6 recently visited Old Leigh to learn about the role of the 'Little Ships' during the Second World War. Whilst they were there, they...