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Good attendance and punctuality are things we promote at West Leigh Junior School, instilling a lifelong habit and ensuring that children grow up with the correct attitude in their future lives, both at school and in their work.  We monitor our children's attendance closely. Our attendance officer is always available to support you if the need arises.

Due to recent changes in government regulations regarding school attendance, it is crucial for all parents to stay informed about the new expectations and rules. We strongly encourage you to read the updated attendance information available below. Staying informed will help ensure that families meet the new requirements and avoids any potential issues.

Parents/Carers must complete a leave of absence form at least one month before any leave is required. Supporting evidence must be attached to this form, identifying the exceptional nature of the leave.

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Holidays in Term Time

Any absence from school can be very disruptive to a child’s education, and they may miss out on work which they find impossible to catch up on.  

A two week holiday in term time every year your child is in Junior School is equivalent to your child missing 8 weeks of schooling - an entire half term and more!

If you still wish to take your child out of school during term time please complete a 'leave of absence' form and return it to the school office at least one month before the dates requested. Only under exceptional circumstances will the leave be authorised by Mr Aggus and this is completely at his discretion.

You may be issued with a penalty notice if your child misses too much school. Please see the 'Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School - Advice to Parents and Carers' information leaflet for more details.

Penalty Notices

Penalty notices can be issued if there have been 10 sessions (5 consecutive days) or more of unauthorised absence within a 10 school week rolling period. These sessions do not need to be consecutive and can be made up of a combination of any type of unauthorised absence. The 10 school week period can span different terms or schools years.

For more information on the process of fixed penalty notices for unauthorised absence, please read the helpful documents found on this page.

Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB ~ 01702 478593 ~

                  Part of the Portico Academy Trust - opening doors, unlocking potential -
                  59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890
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